2014년 2월 16일 일요일

2월 둘째주 입고작 (대량 입고 리스트) + 가격인하 타이틀 목록

이번 목록은 너무 길어서...시간이 오래 걸렸습니다. 
특정 장르를 좋아하시는 분들은 Part VI으로 바로 가서 보세요.
앨범 설명은 천천히 올릴 예정입니다.  Part V는 신규 입고 목록이 아니라 금주부터 가격인하가 되는 앨범들 목록입니다. 

*의문 사항이 있으실 경우 트위터나 페이스북을 이용해 주시구요. 질문하시기 전에  FAQ 를 읽어 보시면 도움이 되시리라 생각됩니다.... (클릭하시면 페이지로 바로 이동됩니다.)

*Part I: 금주의 아티스트, 이벤트, 잡지, 레코드 클리너 등
*Part II: 박스셋 및 신규 입고된 7인치/10인치/12인치 EP와 싱글
*Part III: 얼리버드 할인 안내와 얼리버드 할인 대상이 되는 신규 입고 앨범 목록
*Part IV: PartIII에 포함되지 않은 신규 입고된 CD와 LP들 (여기가 특히 많습니다.)
*Part V: 금주부터 가격인하가 되는 앨범들 안내입니다. 
*Part VI: 최신 신보 안내 및 신규 입고 앨범들 장르별 분류  
(목록에 재입고 앨범들이 섞여 있고 장르 구분이 없다 보니, 새로운 앨범을 찾는 분들이 보기에 불편할 수도 있을 듯 합니다. 그래서 이런 걸 만들었습니다.)

Part I.

Artist Of The Week (Price Off, ~Feb 23th)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings

신작을 발표한 현존하는 최고의 소울/훵크 가수 샤론 존스의 신작과 전 카탈로그를 2월 23일까지 10~15% 할인 판매합니다. 
그러다 보니 아마존보다 더 낮은 가격에 판매되는 LP들도 있구요. 이 기회에 샤론 존스의 음악이 많이 알려졌으면 하는 바램입니다. 그래야 이런 분들 공연도 와서 우리가 객석에서 소름 돋는 경험도 할 수 있지 않겠습니까.... 
신작 Give The People What They Want는 (늘 그렇듯) 좋은 퀄리티를 자랑하는 앨범으로 수많은 음악 매체들의 칭찬과 극찬을 얻고 있습니다. 

할인 LP 목록
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Give The People What They Want (새앨범, + Digital Download)
할인가 21,500원 (정상가 24,000원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ I Learned The Hard Way (Digital Download) 18,000원 (정상가 22,000원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Naturally (Gatefold, Digital Download)  18,000원 (정상가 22,000원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/100 Days, 100 Nights 21,500원 (정상가 24,000원)

할인 CD 목록
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Give The People What They Want (새앨범) 
할인가 18,000원 (정상가 20,000원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Soul Time! 17,000원 (정상가 20,000원) 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Dap-Dippin' 17,000원 (정상가 19,500원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Naturally  17,000원 (정상가 19,500원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ 100 Days, 100 Nights 17,000원 (정상가 20,000원) 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ I Learned The Hard Way 17,000원 (정상가 20,000원)

Special Event - Giveaway (artist's) signed booklet 아티스트의 싸인이 담긴 북클릿을 드립니다. (선착순)
Cecile McLorin Salvant/ Woman Child 
저희 연말 결산 BEST 100 (BEST 100 목록 보러 가기) 앨범 중 하나였던, (강력) 추천 재즈 보컬 앨범입니다. 올해 그래미 재즈 부엌칼 후보로 오르기도 했었습니다.  
LP를 구매하시는 분들께 선착순으로 아티스트의 싸인이 들어간 북클릿을 드립니다. 물론 선착순이구요. 엘피 뿐 아니라 CD도 입고되어 있습니다. 대체 어떤 음악인지 궁금하신 분들을 위해... 동영상 보기

Downbeat 2014 January Issue
BEST ALBUM OF 2013 특집이 담긴 다운비트 2014/1월호
13,000-->10,000 품절 SOLD OUT
(할인판매: 커버에 붙어 있는 가격표 스티커를 떼다가 약간 긁힌 자국이 생겼습니다. 제발 가격표는 코팅도 안되어 있는 커버 위에 붙이지 않았으면...)

Vinyl Accessories (레코드 클리너)
Vinyl styl- Deep Cleaning System 
(레코드 세정액 Cleaning Fluid + 클리너 Record Brush 세트) 17,500원

Vinyl styl- Anti Static Brush 레코드 전용 클리너 (레코드 브러쉬) 17,500원

Vinyl styl- Record Cleaning Fluid 레코드 세정액 (1.25oz) 8,500원

Part II.

Box Set - New Arrival
Bob Dylan/ Another Self Portrait 1969-1971: Bootleg Series 10 
(3LP + 2CD Box Set) 90,000원 (시중 판매가 171,600원)  일시품절 (temporarily out of stock)

Jackson 5/ Complete Album Collection (15CD Box Set) 84,000 - 일시품절
품절된 후에 "한정반이었다.." 라는 설이 있어서 다시는 안 들어올 줄 알았는데, 다시 들어왔습니다. 이 패키지의 장점 중 하나는 박스가 무척 이쁘게 생겼다는 것인데요. 오래 오래 계속 찍어낼 것 같지는 않으니 크리스마스 앨범을 포함한 잭슨 파이브의 전작을 8만원대에 소유하고자 하신다면 있을 때 가져가시는 게 좋습니다. 국내 많은 매장에는 이미 "품절"로 표기되어 있는 박스물입니다.  

Genius/GZA / Liquid Swords (4LP+Chess Box Set, Record Store Day Limited Edition 재입고 104,000 

Nick Drake/ Five Leaves Left (LP + Poster + Lyric prints + digital download Box Set) 72,000 Five Leaves Left 엘피도 판매를 하고 있는데요. (지난 주말 부로 잠시 품절이 됐지만) 그 엘피랑 비교해 보면 박스가 더해져 있고, 포스터와 닉 드레이크가 손으로 쓴 가사집이 추가되어 있습니다. 그러니까 이 박스물 가격은 박스, 포스터, 가사집 가격이 더해진 셈인데요. 그런 걸 생각하면 좀 과하지만 Pink Moon부터 시작된 이 박스물 시리즈를 모으시는 닉 드레이크 팬이라면 (어쨌든 한정반이라 나중에 Fruit Tree 박스처럼 귀해질 수도 있구요.) 이것이 마지막 퍼즐입니다. 일시품절 temporarily out of stock

Pete Rock & Smooth C.L. / Mecca & Soul Brother (Deluxe CD Box Set) 30,500 일시품절 temporarily out of stock

Sonic youth/ Daydream Nation Box set (4LP Box Set) 54,000
소닉 유스의 이 박스물 시리즈는 Goo와 Dirty, 그리고 이 앨범이 있는데요. 음반사에서 가격을 올렸는지 아니면 생산을 중단했다는 소식이라도 있는지 모르겠습니다만 이 박스들이 품절되는 곳들도 생기고, 가격도 점점 올라가고 있습니다. 지난번에 4만원대 후반으로 입고되었던 Goo와 Dirty보다 가격이 높구요. 매장에서 품절된 다른 박스들도 이미 가격이 올라서 재입고 되더라도 가격이 오를 것 같습니다. 아마존 입점 매장 중에는 Goo 박스를 90달러에 판매하는 곳도 생겼네요. 

7"/10"/12" VINYL (7인치, 10인치, 12인치 싱글과 EP들) - New Arrival
Burial/ Rival Dealer 12" EP  2013 BEST 100 연말에 극찬을 얻었던 Burial의 신작 할인가 18,000 (20,000)
Daughter / His Young Heart 10" EP + Digital Download 15,500 재입고
Daughter / Wild Youth 10" EP + Digital Download 15,500 재입고
Dirty Beaches/ Water Park OST - 10" Color Vinyl EP 할인가 18,000 (20,000) 재입고
Elliott Smith/ Alternate Versions Of Either/Or - 7" (4 tracks EP, + Digital Download) Record Store Day 한정반. 15,000
Either/Or 앨범 녹음 때 발표되지 않은 테이크들을 4곡 실은 앨범으로, 아마존에서는 30달러 정도에 판매가 되고 있습니다. 

Godspeed You Black Emperor / Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada (12" EP) 26,000
Guns N' Roses/ Paradise City (Limited Special Collectors' Edition) 권총집이 있는 변형 커버. 희귀한 버전으로 B-side에는 Used To Love Her가 들어 있습니다. 
(품절 SOLD OUT) 33,000

Iron & Wine / Sea & the Rhythm 12" EP 17,000 소량재고
James Blake / Enough Thunder 12" EP 14,000
James Iha/ Speed of Love 7" Single 13,500 

Lily & Madeleine / Weight of the Globe 10" EP (+digital download) 21,500
Mark Pritchard/ Ghosts 12" EP 2013 BEST - Staff Picks 15,500 (17,500)
Mark Pritchard/ Lock Off 12" EP 2013 BEST - Staff Picks 15,500 (17,500)
Mark Pritchard/ Make a Livin' 12" EP 2013 BEST - Staff Picks 15,500 (17,500)
The National/ Virginia 12" EP  (180 gram vinyl with a special black and yellow color splatter. There are four demos, a cover, live versions, a radio session and b-sides all from the Boxer era) 28,500 소량재고

Olafur Arnalds / Living Room Songs 10" EP (Limited Press3월 7일 내한 공연 예정 33,000
Pure Bathing Culture/ Pure Bathing Culture (12", Digital Download) 퓨어 베딩 컬처의 데뷔작으로 한정 수량 발매된 EP Vinyl입니다. 할인가 17,000 (20,000)

Part III. Earlybird Sales 
(2월 23일 마감)

신규 입고된 앨범들 중 아래 앨범은 얼리버드 할인을 약 10일간 진행합니다. 
일찍 구매하시는 분들을 우대하기 위해 김밥레코즈 매장에서 종종 실행에 옮기는 이벤트입니다. 얼리버드 할인은 주로 레이블과의 직거래 등을 통해 가격을 낮출 수 있는 여지가 생긴 앨범들을 대상으로 하구요. 미국이나 영국 현지 레코드숍이나 아마존닷컴 등 온라인스토어에서 판매하는 현지 가격과 거의 비슷한 가격에 구매하실 수 있습니다. 비행기를 타고 와야 하는 이 앨범들의 특성상 사실 현지 가격과 비슷하게 판매한다는 건 마진을 깎아 내지 않는 이상 거의 불가능한 일인데요. 물론 저희가 아마존과 경쟁하기 위해 이렇게 하는 건 아니구요. :) 
물가도 다 오르고, 음반 가격도, 해외배송비도 점점 오르는 추세인데 부지런한 음반 구매자들에게 이런 혜택이라도 있어야 하지 않겠나.. 라는 생각에서 시작한 이벤트입니다.           

<엘피 사양 표기에 관한 몇 가지 기초적인 설명>
*Digital Download라고 표기되어 있는 엘피들은 엘피 안에 앨범 전곡의 Mp3나 고음질 파일을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 바우처/쿠폰이 포함된 엘피들입니다. 
*Digital Download 옆에 Bonus Track/Bonus Material이라고 표기되어 있는 엘피들은 앨범 전곡 외에 보너스 트랙이나 사진 등을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 음반들입니다. 
*Gatefold는 책처럼 펼쳐지는 커버를 말합니다. "Triple"은 3단 커버입니다. 
*Color Vinyl은 말 그대로 색깔이 들어간 엘피들을 말합니다. 대부분 한정반들입니다. 
*가격 비교에서 "시중 판매가"는 국내 온라인 사이트에서 판매되는 최저 가격입니다. "미국 현지 판매가"는 미국 소매 가격으로 이를테면 아마존닷컴 가격은 이것보다 낮을 수도 있지만, 오히려 더 높을 수도 있습니다.    

<New Arrival + Early Bird Sale> 
(~2/23일까지, 10~20% 할인)

New Vinyls (LP/10"/7") on SALE
*옆에 있는 가격이 할인 가격이고 괄호 안에 정상 가격이 표기되어 있습니다.
Amon Tobin/ Out From Out Where (2xLP) 24,000 (27,000)

Apples in stereo/ Travellers in Space and Time (180g 2LP, Poster, Digital Download including Bonus) 24,000 (27,000)
Apples in stereo/ Fun Trick Noisemaker (First Time On Vinyl, Poster, 180g) 23,500 (26,000)

Boards Of Canada/ Twoism (Digital Download + Exclusive Sticker) 20,000 (22,000) 소량재고
Boards Of Canada/ In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country (Digital Download + Exclusive Sticker) 20,000 (22,000)
Boards Of Canada/ Trans Canada Highway (Digital Download + Exclusive Sticker) 20,000 (22,000) 소량재고
Boban Markovic & Marko Markovic/ Golden Horns - The Best Of (180g + Digital Download) 22,000 (25,000) 소량재고
Brian Eno/ Drums Between The Bells (2xLP, Gatefold, Digital Download) 25,000 (27,500) 소량재고

Brian Eno/ Panic Of Looking (+Digital Download) 18,000 (20,000) 미국판매가 16.99달러
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Methodrone (180g 2LP) 39,000 (44,000)
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Bravery, Repetition And Noise (180g, Limited Color Vinyl Edition - Purple Colored Vinyl) 29,000 (33,000)
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Who Killed Sgt. Pepper? (180g, Limited Color Vinyl - White w/ Purple split Color) 39,000 (44,000) 미국판매가 39.99달러

The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Their Satanic Majesties Second Request 
(2LP 180g) 39,000 (44,000) 미국 판매가 39.99달러
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Take It From The Man!  
(180g 2LP, Limited Color Vinyl - Blue/Red color) 39,000 (44,000) 미국판매가 39.99달러
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Give It Back! 
(2LP, 180g Gatefold, Limited Color Vinyl - Skyblue color) 39,000 (44,000) 미국 판매가 39.99달러. 
Burial/ Rival Dealer  2013 BEST 100 18,000 (20,000)
Cate Le Bon / Mug Museum (Gatefold, 180g Pink Vinyl + CD) 2013 BEST 100 26,500 (29,500) 미국 현지 판매가 23.9달러 일시품절

CocoRosie/ Tales Of A GrassWidow (First Press, Limited Color Vinyl) 23,500 (25,500) 미국 현지 판매가 19.99달러 일시품절
Dave Holland/ Prism (Special Bonus Track, Gatefold 2LP + Digital Download) 24,000 (26,500)
Death Cab for Cutie/ Transatlanticism (10th Anniversary Edition, 180g Gatefold, Digital Download including Demos) 30,000 (33,000) 미국현지 판매가 27.99달러 소량재고

Death Cab for Cutie/ Plans (180g Premium Vinyls) 27,000 (29,500) 소량재고
Death Cab for Cutie/ Codes And Keys (Gatefold, 2xLP) 27,500 (30,000) 소량재고
Dirty Beaches/ Water Park OST (10", Color Vinyl) 18,000 (20,000) 재입고 소량재고
DJ Rashad/ Double Cup (2LP) 2013 BEST 100 24,000 (27,000) 미국 현지 판매가 20.99달러 (CD는 이미 판매 중입니다.) 일시품절
Elliott Smith/ New Moon (2xLP, Digital Download) 23,000 (26,000)
El Rego/ El Rego (+ Bonus 7", Digital Download) 18,000 (20,000) 미국 현지 판매가 16달러
First Aid Kit/ The Lion's Roar (180g, Digital Download) 23,500 (25,500) 미국 현지 판매가 19.99달러
First Aid Kit/ The Big Black & The Blue (180g, Digital Download) 22,000 (24,000)

Gilberto Gil/ Louvacao (180g, Limited to 1,000 copies, 1000장 한정반) 29,000 (33,000) 미국 현지 판매가 27달러
Grizzly Bear/ Shields: B-Sides (Digital Download: full album + 3 bonus remixes by Nicolas Jaar, Liars, & Lindstrom2013 BEST SELLER 18,000 (20,000) 미국 현지 판매가 16달러, 재입고
Hiss Golden Messenger/ Haw (+Digital Download2013 BEST 100 21,500 (24,500)
Jackie Mittoo/ Jackie Mittoo Keyboard King 29,500 (33,000) 미국 현지 판매가 27달러 소량재고
Jackie Mittoo and the Soul Brothers/ Last Train to Skaville 29,500 (33,000) 미국 현지 판매가 27달러 소량재고
Lee "Scratch" Perry/ Rise Again (2LP, Digital Download plus bonus) 23,500 (26,000)
Lindstrom/ Smalhans 21,500 (24,000)
Lindstrom/ Six Cups Of Rebel (2LP, Gatefold) 24,000 (26,500)
Los Campesinos!/ No Blues (180g Pink Colored Vinyl + CD) 2013 BEST 100 22,500 (25,000) 미국 현지 판매가 19달러 *CD도 판매 중입니다.

Machinedrum/ Vapor City (2LP, Digital Download) 2013 BEST  - Staff picks 26,000 (28,500)
Mark Pritchard/ Ghosts 2013 BEST - Staff Picks 15,500 (17,500)
Mark Pritchard/ Lock Off 2013 BEST - Staff Picks 15,500 (17,500)
Mark Pritchard/ Make a Livin' 2013 BEST - Staff Picks 15,500 (17,500)
Neneh Cherry & The Thing/ The Cherry Thing Remixed 21,500 (24,000) 미국 현지 판매가 18달러
Pax Nicholas And The Netty Family/ Na Teef Know De Road Of Teef 18,500 (21,000) 
Pete Rock/Petestrumentals (2xLP) 2013 Best Seller 재입고 28,000 (32,000 - 가격인하 품목)
Pure Bathing Culture/ Pure Bathing Culture (Limited 45rpm Vinyl, Digital Download) 17,000 (20,000)
Ra Ra Riot/ Beta Love (+Digital Download) 19,000 (22,000) 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Give The People What They Want (새앨범, + Digital Download) 21,500원 (정상가 24,000원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ I Learned The Hard Way (Digital Download) 18,000원 (정상가 22,000원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Naturally (Gatefold, Digital Download)  18,000원 (정상가 22,000원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/100 Days, 100 Nights 21,500원 (정상가 24,000원)
Swamp Dogg/ Total Destruction To Your Mind (Gatefold, +Poster2013 BEST (Best reissue) 23,500 (26,000) 미국 현지 판매가 19.99달러 소량재고
Tift Merritt/ Traveling Alone (180g 2LP, Digital Download: Full Album+ Bonus Track Download) 25,500 (28,500) 미국 현지 판매가 22.99달러
Tim Maia/ Nobody Can Live Forever: The Existential Soul of Tim Maia (+Digital Download) 재입고 2013 BEST SELLER 29,000 (32,000)
Upset/ She's Gone (+Digital Download) 2013 BEST 100 19,500 (22,000) 미국 현지 판매가 16.99달러

Various Artists(John Morales)/ The M and M Mixes Vol 3 (Pt A) 2LP Gatefold 2013 BEST 100 25,500 (29,000) 미국 현지 판매가 23달러
Various Artists(John Morales)/ The M and M Mixes Vol 3 (Pt B) 2LP Gatefold 2013 BEST 100 25,500 (29,000) 미국 현지 판매가 23달러
William Onyeabor/ World Psychedelic Classics 5: Who Is William Onyeabor (3LP including 4 Exclusive Bonus Track, Digital Download) 2013 BEST 재입고 2013 BEST 100 (Best Reissue) 32,000 (37,000) 미국 현지 판매가 29.99달러

Various Artists/ Real Sound of Chicago and Beyond Underground Disco (2LP Gatefold) 25,500 (30,000) 

New CDs on SALE 
Andrew W.K./ Close Calls With Brick Walls/Mother Of Mankind (2xCD) 할인가 24,000 (정상가 26,000) 앨범 광고 보기
Boban Markovic / Promise 18,000 (20,000)
Boban Markovic & Marko Markovic/ Devla- Blown Away To Dancefloor Heaven 18,000 (20,000)

Brian Eno/ Panic Of Looking 15,500 (17,500)
Brian Eno/ Drums Between The Bells 21,000 (23,500)
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Aufheben 18,000 (20,000) 미국 현지 판매가 15달러
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Give It Back 18,000 (20,000) 미국 현지 판매가 15달러
Burial/ Rival Dealer 2013 BEST 100 15,000 (17,500)
Cate Le Bon/ Mug Museum 2013 BEST 100 18,000 (20,000)
CocoRosie/ Tales Of A GrassWidow 18,000 (20,000) 재입고
Dave Holland and Pepe Habichuela/ Hands 18,000 (20,000)
Dave Holland Octet/ Pathways 18,000 (20,000)
David Byrne/ Lead Us Not Into Temptation:Music From The Film Yo 18,000 (20,000)
David Byrne & Brian Eno/ Everything That Happens Will Happen Today 18,000 (20,000)

The Decemberists/The Tain EP 14,500 (16,500)
Elliott Smith/ Either/Or 재입고 2013 BEST SELLER 18,000 (20,000)
Elliott Smith/ From A Basement On The Hill 재입고 18,000 (20,000)
El Rego/ El Rego 18,000 (20,000)
Fanfare Ciocarlia/ Radio Pascani 18,000 (20,000)

Field Music/ Tones Of Town 17,000 (19,000)
The Fiery Furnaces/ Widow City 18,000 (20,000)
First Aid Kit/ The Big Black & The Blue 15,500 (17,500)
First Aid Kit/ The Lion's Roar 2013 BEST SELLER 16,500 (19,000)
Gruff Rhys(Super Furry Animals)/ Hotel Shampoo 16,500 (18,500)

Harry Connick Jr./ Other Hours: Connick On Piano Vol. 1 17,500 (19,500)
Harry Connick Jr./ Occasion: Connick on Piano 2 17,500 (19,500)
John Grant/ Queen of Denmark 18,000 (20,000) *LP는 판매 중입니다. 
Kon/ On My Way 18,000 (20,000) 재입고

Kon & Amir/ Off Track Vol. III 18,000 (20,000)
Large Professor/ Main Source 16,500 (18,500)
Lindstrom/ Smalhans 18,000 (20,000)

Lindstrom/ Six Cups Of Rebel 18,000 (20,000)
Lindstrom & Christabelle/ Real Life Is No Cool (DELUXE) 2013 BEST SELLER 18,000 (20,000) 재입고
Machinedrum/ Vapor City 2013 BEST 100 18,000 (20,000)

Midlake/ Trials Of Van Occupanther 18,000 (20,000)
Quasi/ Mole City 18,000 (20,000)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Give The People What They Want (새앨범) 
할인가 18,000원 (정상가 20,000원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Soul Time! 17,000원 (정상가 20,000원) 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Dap-Dippin' 17,000원 (정상가 19,500원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Naturally  17,000원 (정상가 19,500원)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ 100 Days, 100 Nights 17,000원 (정상가 20,000원) 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ I Learned The Hard Way 17,000원 (정상가 20,000원)

Steve Gunn/ Time Off 2013 BEST 100 16,500 (18,500)
Swamp Dogg/ Total Destruction To Your Mind 2013 BEST 100 (Best Reissue) 18,500 (20,500)
Tahiti 80/ A Piece of Sunshine 18,000 (20,000)
Tift Merritt/ Traveling Alone 18,000 (20,000)
Upset/ She's Gone 2013 BEST 100 16,500 (18,500)
Various Artists/ Real Sound Of Chicago 18,000 (20,000)
William Onyeabor/ World Psychedelic Classics 5: Who Is William Onyeabor 재입고 2013 BEST 100 18,000 (20,000)
Zion I/ The Takeover 16,500 (18,500)

Part IV. 신규 입고된 LP/CD 
(Part III에 있는 앨범들 제외)

Vinyl - New Arrival  

부활/ 1집 (180g reissue, Red Vinyl) 37,000 (시중 판매가 40,100원)
13th Floor Elevators/ Easter Everywhere (2LP Gatefold, Stereo + Rare Mono Versions, UK press) 43,000 소량재고

Air/ Moon Safari 22,500
Alicia Keys/ The Diary of Alicia Keys (2LP) 29,500
Albert King/ I'll Play the Blues For You 재입고 22,000
Albert King & Stevie Ray Vaughan/ In Session 재입고 25,500
Amy Winehouse/ Back To Black 재입고 23,500 
Andrew Bird/ Noble Beast (Gatefold, Digital Download) 35,000
Andrew Bird/ Wannt to See Pulaski at Night (Digital Download) 24,000 소량재고 *앤드류 버드의 신작 (2013년 12월 발매). 
Arcade Fire/ Funeral (+Digital Download, 2LP Gatefold) 재입고 28,500
Arcade Fire/ Reflektor (+Digital Download 2LP Gatefold) 2013 BEST 100 재입고 38,000
Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba/ Jama Ko (2LP) 38,000 일시품절 temporarily out of stock

Beady Eye / Be (Digital Download, gatefold 2LP) 재입고 30,500원 (시중 판매가 43,000원)
Belle & Sebastian/ Third Eye Centre (180g 2LP + Digital Download) 재입고 32,500
Belle & Sebastian/ Write About Love (Digital Download) 27,000 소량재고
Big Krit/ Live from the Underground 26,000
Big Star/ #1 Record 재입고 22,000
Big Star/ Radio City 재입고 22,000
Bill Callahan/ Have Fun With God (New Album) 일시품절 out of stock
Bill Callahan/ Dream River 2013 BEST 100 재입고  24,000
Bill Evans / Waltz for Debby 2013 BEST SELLER 재입고 22,000 일시품절
Billie Holiday / Lady Sings the Blues (2013 Reissue, Abbey Road Studio Remaster, 180g Reissue) 28,500
Billie Holiday / Remixed & Reimagined 톱클래스 디제이들과 라이브 연주자들이 참여해 빌리 홀리데이의 곡들을 리믹스하고 재해석한 음반. 26,000
Black Devil Disco Club/ Black Moon White Sun 43,000 소량재고

Black Keys/ El Camino (LP+CD, +Poster) 36,000 
*블랙 키스 전 타이틀 LP 판매 중입니다. 
Black Sabbath/ 13 (2LP 180g, Gatefold) 35,000원 (시중 판매가 41,100원)
Bob Marley & Wailers / Catch a Fire 27,500
Bryan Ferry Jazz Orchestra/ Jazz Age 2013 BEST 100 35,500 소량재고
Camera Obscura / Desire Lines (Digital Download) 재입고 28,500 
Camera Obscura / Let's Get Out of this Country (Digital Download) 24,500 일시품절 temporarily out of stock
Cat Power/ Jukebox 28,500

Cat Power/ Moon Pix (+Digital Download) 28,500 일시품절 temporarily out of stock
Cat Power/ Sun (+Digital Download) 32,000
Cecile McLorin Salvant/ Woman Child (2LP 180g Pure Virgin Vinyl) 2013 BEST 100 38,000 
Chromatics/ Kill For Love (2LP Crystal Clear Vinyl, Digital Download) 재입고 33,000

Chvrches/ The Bones of What You Believe (Digital Download2013 BEST 100 재입고 23,500
Colin Blunstone/ One Year (180g Reissue) 재입고 29,000
Cults/ Cults (Digital Download) 27,000
Cults/ Static (Digital Download) 재입고 27,500
Daft Punk / Discovery 재입고 28,000 (시중 판매가 35,800원) 일시품절 temporarily out of stock
Damien Rice/ Live at Fingerprints: Warts & all 2013 BEST SELLER 재입고 32,000
Danger Mouse & Sparklehorse / Dark Night of the Soul (180g, Digital Download) 29,000

Daughter / If You Leave (+Digital Download) 2013 BEST 100 25,000
Daughter/ His Young Heart EP (Digital Download) 재입고 15,500
Daughter/ Wild Youth EP (Digital Download) 재입고 15,500
David Bowie/ Space Oddity: 40th anniversary 재입고 35,000 (시중 판매가 40,000원) 일시품절
David Bowie/ The Next Day (2LP+CD) 재입고 2013 BEST 100 + BEST SELLER 42,500 일시품절
David Lynch / Big Dream (2LP Virgin Vinyl + 7" Vinyl featuring Lykke Li, David Lynch's Hand Etched B-side, Digital Download, 12" Booklet재입고 42,000 (미국 현지 판매가 35~36달러) 일시품절
Deep Purple / Machine Head (Rhino reissue) 27,000
Deerhunter / Microcastle (+Digital Download)  33,000 일시품절
Destroyer / Destroyer's Rubies (2LP, Bonus remixed tracks included) 37,500일시품절  
Destroyer / Kaputt (2LP, Digital Download, Vinyl Exclusive Tracks included)  33,500 일시품절
Destroyer / Trouble in Dreams (2LP)  32,500 일시품절
Disclosure/ Settle 2013 BEST 100 재입고,  29,500
DJ Premier & Bumpy Knuckles / Kolexxxion 24,000
DJ Shadow/ Endtroducing... 34,500 일시품절
Dum Dum Girls / Too True (Digital Download, 2014 새앨범) 25,000 소량재고

                            Dum Dum Girls (덤덤한 표정을 짓고 있죠?)

Echo & Bunnymen/ Heaven Up Here (Reissue by Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab) 37,000
Elliott Smith/ Alternate Versions Of Either/Or (4 tracks EP, + Digital DownloadRecord Store Day 한정반 15,000
Elvis Costello & the Roots / Wise up Ghost (2LP) 2013 BEST 100 38,000 일시품절
Emiliana Torrini/ Tookah (Gatefold, Digital Download) 28,500
Esperanza Spalding/ Radio Music Society (Record Store Day Limited Edition, Digital Download: 11 films + full album) 37,000
Eva Cassidy/ Songbird (180g Pure Virgin Vinyl) 41,500 (시중 판매가 45,500원)
Flaming Lips/ Oh My Gawd (Clear Vinyl) 23,500
Flaming Lips/ Soft Bulletin (2LP) 재입고 35,000
Fleet Foxes/ Helplessness Blues (2LP, Poster, Digital Download) 28,500
Fleetwood Mac/ Rumours 재입고 19,500
Florence & The Machine/ Lungs (2LP, Digital Download) 26,000
Florence & Machine/ Ceremonials (Gatefold 2LP) 29,000
Foals/ Total Life Forever (Digital Download) 29,500
Forest Swords/ Engravings (Digital Download2013 BEST 100 재입고 32,000

Four Tet/ Late Night Tales (180g 2LP, Digital Download) 36,500
Fred Neil/ Fred Neil (Reissue) 27,000
Fred Neil/ Other Side of This life (Reissue)  27,000 일시품절
Funkadelic/ Free Your Mindand Your ass will follow (UK press) 재입고 34,000
Ghostface Killah/ Fishscale 23,000
Ghostface Killah/ 12 Reasons to Die 32,000
Godspeed You Black Emperor / Allelujah don't bend ascend 재입고 37,000
Godspeed You Black Emperor / f#a# (infinity) (1997 Debut album Original Vinyl, +Photos/Inserts) 29,500
(이미지: Amazon.com)

Godspeed You Black Emperor / Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada (EP) 26,000
Grandaddy / The Sophtware Slump (Remastered Reissue) 28,500 소량재고
Grimes / Visions (Digital Download) 27,000
Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova (The Swell Season )/ Swell Season (Digital Download) 27,000
*Once 사운드트랙 이전에 녹음된 두 사람 최초의 앨범으로 "Falling Slowly" 등 OST에 삽입된 주요 음악들이 여기서 처음 녹음되었습니다. 
Hanni El Khatib/ Head in the Dirt (Gatefold) 27,000 소량재고
Haxan Cloak/ Excavation (2LP, Digital Download) 34,000
Horace Andy/ Who Say 25,000 소량재고
Ice Cube / Amerikkkas Most Wanted (2LP, 1LP + Bonus EP "Kill At Will") 24,000
Iggy & the Stooges / Ready to Die (New Album, Digital Download) 오랜만에 재입고. 이기 팝 & 스투지스의 신작. 23,000
Iron & Wine / Sea & the Rhythm (EP, Digital Download) 17,000 소량재고
Jacuzzi Boys/ Jacuzzi Boys (Digital Download) 22,000
Jack White/ Blunderbuss (Gatefold, 4 page inserts) 32,000 
James Blake / James Blake (180g) 2013 BEST SELLER 27,000
James Blake/ Overgrown (180g Double LP) 2013 BEST 100 35,000
James Blake / Enough Thunder 12" EP 14,000
James Brown / Live at the Apollo (180g reissue) 27,500 
Jamiroquai/ Rock Dust Light Star (2LP + CDRecord Store Day Exclusive, Limited Edition) 36,000
Jesus & Mary Chain/ Psychocandy (Rhino Reissue) 27,500

Joanna Newsom / YS  28,500 소량재고
지난 10년간을 돌이켜 보며 꼭 들어볼만한 앨범 목록을 만든다면 빼먹기 어려운 앨범입니다. 조안나 뉴섬의 재능에 Van Dyke Parks, Grant Geisseman, Steve Albini, Lee Sklar, Jim O'rourke 같은 빛나는 인물들이 함께 참여를 했었던 작품입니다. 
Joe Pass / Virtuoso 22,000  일시품절 (곧 재입고 예정)
John Coltrane/ Giant Steps 26,500
John Mayer/ Born & Raised (2LP+CD) 37,500 소량재고
Jon Hopkins / Immunity (Digital Download2013 BEST 100 35,000
Jorge Ben/ Forca Bruta (180g reissue) 26,500
Kanye West/ My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (3LP Limited Set, +5 Inserts + 24"x24" Exclusive Poster designed by George Condo) 41,000 (시중 판매가 43,500원) 재입고 일시품절

Kelly Hogan/ I Like to Keep Myself in Pain 30,000 일시품절
Kendrick Lamar/ Good Kid M.A.A.D City 2LP  26,000
Kurt Vile/ Wakin' on a Pretty Daze (Digital Download2013 BEST 100 34,000
Laura Marling / I speak because I Can (180g, Digital Download, First Press, Gatefold) 28,000
Lambchop / Nixon (2014 Reissue, Digital Download, Bonus CD of Unreleased Live Recording) 29,500
Large Professor / Professor at Large 29,500
LCD Soundsystem/ LCD Soundsystem (DJ friendly heavyweight 2LP) 27,500
Lee Perry & His Upsetters / Roaring Lion 29,000
Lily & Madeleine/ Lily & Madeleine (Limited White Vinyl) 28,000
Lily & Madeleine / Weight of the Globe 10" EP (+digital download) 21,500

Lily & Madeleine

Local Natives / Hummingbird (Digital Download) 24,000
*Deluxe Version Vinyl도 판매중입니다. 

요것이 딜럭스 버전 커버, 위의 것이 일반 버전

Lucinda Williams/ Lucinda Williams (25th Anniversary, Remastered from Original Analog Tapes, 180g Red Vinyl, Download + Live Concert+Bonus tracks)
Lucius / Wildewoman (Limited Edition White Vinyl + Digital Download2013 BEST 100 29,000 일시품절

The Lumineers/ The Lumineers (Digital Download) 28,500
Madonna/ Ray Of Light (2LP) 재입고 32,500
Marvin Gaye / I Want You (180g Reissue) 28,000
Marvin Gaye/ What's Going On 재입고 28,000
Mazzy Star/ Seasons of your Day 재입고 35,000
Mayer Hawthorne / How Do you Do 26,000
Meg Baird/ Seasons on Earth 22,500

Method Man & Redman / Blackout 21,000
Midlake/ Antiphon (Digital Download, Gatefold) 27,500 일시품절
Miles Davis / Kind of Blue (MONO, Record Store Day Limited, 180g, 한정반 일련 번호 표시) 29,500
Miles Davis / Round About Midnight (MONO, Limited Edition) 29,500 (시중 판매가 43,000원)
Miles Davis/ Sketches of Spain (MONO/180g, Record Store Day Limited Edition, 일련번호 표시) 29,500
Mogwai/ Rave Tapes (Digital Download, Die cut cover, 2014 신작) 27,000
Moonface/ Julia with Blue Jeans On (Digital Download, 새 앨범) 27,000

Motley Crue/ Dr Feelgood (180g Reissue remastered from the original tape) 27,000 
Motley Crue/ Girls, Girls, Girls (180g Reissue remastered from the original tape) 27,000
Mutual Benefit/ Love's Crushing Diamond (Full Download + Bonus EP) 데뷔작/2014 신작이면서 이미 "2014년의 앨범"으로 낙점한 추천작입니다. 2013년에 이 앨범이 음원으로 풀렸을 때 듣고 너무 좋아서 BEST 목록에 올릴까 했었는데, 연초에 발매된다는 소식을 듣고 "다음해 목록에 올리자.."라고 생각을 했습니다.) 24,000

The National/ Virginia (180g, Color Vinyl - Black & Yellow Color Splatter) 28,500 
Naked & Famous/ Passive Me Aggressive You (Digital Download) 27,500
Neko Case / The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You (Deluxe Edition, +3 Bonus Track, 2LP+ CD) 38,000
제목만큼이나 인상적인 니코 케이스의 신작인데요. 앨범에 없는 3곡의 보너스 트랙이 추가 수록되어 있고, CD가 보너스로 들어 있는 딜럭스 에디션입니다. 좌절하는 것이 아니라 그 슬픔을 이겨내기 위한 슬픈 노래들. 
친절하게 노래 가사가 등장하는 비디오.

Nick Drake/ Bryter Layter (+Digital Download) 34,000 소량재고
Nick Drake/ Five Leaves Left (+Digital Download)  (Box Set은 위에 표기된 대로 판매중) 34,000 일시품절 temporarily out of stock
Nick Drake/ Pink Moon 34,000 일시품절 temporarily out of stock
Of Montreal/ Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer (+Digital Download) 29,500
Okkervil River/ Silver Gymnasium (2LP including 2 exclusive songs, Digital Download, Gatefold) 34,000 일시품절 temporarily out of stock

Olafur Arnalds/ & They Have Escaped the Weight of Darkness (Digital Download) 37,000
Olafur Arnalds/ Eulogy for Evolution 37,000 일시품절 temporarily out of stock
Olafur Arnalds / Living Room Songs 10" EP (Limited Edition) 33,000
Oneohtrix Point Never / Replica 25,000 일시품절
OST(music by Vangelis)/ Blade Runner (블레이드 러너, Color Vinyl Limited Edition, Pure Virgin Vinyl) 43,000

OST(music by Michael Andrews)/ Donnie Darko (도니 다코, original score) Digital Download 25,000
OST/ Empire Records (엠파이어 레코즈) Record Store Day Limited Edition (Gold Color Vinyl), 36,000  일시품절 (곧 재입고)
이미지: 턴테이블랩

OST (music by Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead)/ The Master LP+CD (마스터) 일시품절 32,500
OST (music by Ry Cooder)/ Paris, Texas (파리 텍사스, 180g reissue) 24,500
OST/ Pretty In Pink (프리티 인 핑크) Record Store Day Limited Press, Pink Vinyl 29,000
이미지: 턴테이블랩

OST/ Reservoir Dogs (저수지의 개들) 일시품절 (곧 재입고) 27,500
OST(music by Cliff Martinez)/ Solaris (솔라리스) - Picture Disc, Limited Edition
픽쳐 디스크가 들어 있는 커버 외관은 이렇게 생겼습니다. 낮은 가격으로 재입고될 예정입니다.

OST/ This Is Spinal Tap (스파이널 탭 or 이것은 스파이널 탭이다) Gatefold 36,000
Nirvana/ In Utero 2013 Mix Record Store Day Black Friday Limited Edition 29,500
Pantera/ Cowboys From Hell (Double LP, Gatefold)  35,000 (시중 판매가 41,100원)
Pantera/ Vulgar Display of Power (Double LP, Gatefold) 35,000 (시중 판매가 41,100원)
Pavement/ Slanted & Enchanted (Digital Download) 26,500
Pearl Jam/ Lightning Bolt (Die Cut Front Cover, Lyric Book, Digital Download) 32,000 일시품절
Peter Tosh/ Legalize It 25,500
Phoenix/ Bankrupt (+Digital Download) 19,500
Phoenix/ Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (+Digital Download) 28,000
PJ Harvey/ To Bring You Love 27,500

Portugal,the Man/ In the Mountain in the Cloud (Digital Download) 24,500
Postal Service/ Give Up (10th Anniversary Edition, 3LP including bonus tracks, Digital Download) 47,000 일시품절

Pure Bathing Culture/ Moon Tides (Digital Download2013 BEST 100 24,000
Q-tip/ Renaissance 22,000
Queen/ Innuendo 27,500
Raconteurs/ Consolers of the Lonely (Triplegate Vinyl) 39,000
3단 폴드를 펼치면 이런 모양이 나옵니다. 

Radiohead/ Amnesiac (10"x2 LP) 35,000
Radiohead/ King Of Limbs (Digital Download) 25,000
Radiohead/ Kid A (10"x2 LP) 35,000
Raphael Saadiq/ Stone Rollin' (LP+CD) 29,000
Ray Lamontagne/ Gossip In The Grain 29,500
Ray Lamontagne/ Till the Sun Turns Black 26,000 일시품절
The Replacements/ Songs For Slim 17,500
Robert Glasper/ Black Radio (2LP) 재입고 27,500 (시중판매가32,900원)
Robert Glasper/ Black Radio 2 (2LP) 재입고 35,000
Ronettes/ Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes  34,000 일시품절(곧 재입고)

Roy Harper/ Man & Myth (2LP+CD2013 BEST 100 재입고 32,500
Sanddy Denny/ Sandy (180g, Digital Download) 23,500
Slayer/ Seasons In The Abyss (180g 2LP) 26,000
Sleigh Bells/ Bitter Rivals (2LP Gatefold, Digital Download) 34,000
Sleigh Bells/ Reign of Terror (2LP Gatefold, Digital Download) 27,500

Sleigh Bells/ Treats (Digital Download) 27,500
Smashing Pumpkins/ Gish (180g Double LP, Gatefold) 29,500
Smashing Pumpkins/ Siamese Dreams (180g Double LP, Gatefold) 38,000 (시중 판매가 57,500원)
The Smiths/ The Queen Is Dead (180g Rhino Reissue) 24,500
Sonny Rollins/ Way Out West 22,000
Stan Getz/ Big Band Bossa Nova (2013 Reissue, Abbey Road Studio Remaster, 180g Reissue) 28,500
Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks / Wig Out at Jagbags (Digital Download, 2014 신작) 28,500

Stereolab/ Sound-Dust (2014 Reissue, Double LP) 39,000
Stone Temple Pilots/ Purple (Reissue) 33,000
Super Chunk/ I Hate Music (Digital Download, Die-cut Cover) 27,000
Tame Impala/ Lonerism (Gatefold) 2013 BEST SELLER 28,500
Tegan and Sara/ Heartthrob (LP+CD) 2013 BEST 100  24,500
Televsion/ Marquee Moon (180g Rhino Reissue) 24,500 일시품절
Television/ Adventure (180g Reissue) 27,000

Thee Oh Sees/ Carrion Crawler / Dream (Digital Download) 27,000
Thee Oh Sees/ Help 25,000
Thee Oh Sees/ Floating Coffin (Digital Download) 27,000
Tom Waits/ Blood Money 25,000
Tom Waits/ Early Years Vol.1 30,500
Tom Waits/ Early Years Vol.2 30,500
Tom Waits/ Glitter & Doom Live (Double LP) 36,000
Toy/ Join the Dots (LP+CD) 33,500
T-Rex/ Slider (180g Remastered Reissue, Digital Download) 24,000

A Tribe Called Quest / Low End Theory 28,000 일시품절
Two Door Cinema Club / Tourist History 27,000 일시품절
U2 / Joshua Tree (Reissue, Remastered Audio, Gatefold) 38,000
Unknown Mortal Orchestra / II (Digital Download2013 BEST 100 28,500
Van Morrions/ Astral Weeks (180g Reissue) 24,500
Vashiti Bunyan / Just Another Diamond Bay (Reissue) 26,000

Vashiti Bunyan/ Lookaftering 26,000
Velvet Underground/ Velvet Underground & Nico (180g Reissue, 바나나가 벗겨지는 커버2013 BEST SELLER 19,000
Velvet Underground / Loaded (Color Vinyl) 29,000
Velvet Underground / White Light/White Heat (45th Anniversary Special Edition including 7 additional tracks) 36,000 일시품절
Washed Out/ Life of Leisure (Digital Download)  26,000
Washed Out/ Within & Without (Color Vinyl, Digital Download2013 BEST SELLER 27,000 일시품절
Wes Montgomery / Incredible Jazz Guitar 22,000
Wilco/ Sky Blue Sky (180g 2LP + CD) 35,500

Wilco/ Summerteeth (180g 2LP + CD) 35,500 (시중판매가 41,100원)
Wu-tang Clan/ Enter Wu-Tang 26,000
Yuck / Glow & Behold (Digital Download) 23,000

CD - New Arrival
Aaron Diehl/ The Bespoke Man's Narrative 2013 BEST 100 17,500
Astor Piazzolla/Rough Dancer And The Cyclical Night (Tango Apasionado) 16,000 
Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba/ Jama Ko 23,500 
Blood Orange / Cupid Deluxe  2013 BEST 100 21,000
Broken Bells/ After The Disco 17,500

Bryan Ferry Jazz Orchestra/ Jazz Age 2013 BEST 100 22,000
Carla Bruni/ Quelqu'un M'a Di 19,000
Cecile McLorin Salvant/ Woman Child  2013 BEST 100 17,500
Christian McBride Trio/ Out Here (새앨범) 17,500
Chvrches/ The Bones of What You Believe 2013 BEST 100 재입고 19,000
Crimson Glory/ Transcendence 16,000
Danilo Perez/ Panama 500 (새앨범) 17,500
Daughter/ If You Leave 2013 BEST 100 17,500 일시품절
Diane Birch/ Speak A Little Louder 2013 BEST 100 (내한공연 예정, 국내 미발매) 19,000 소량재고

Emiliana Torrini/ Love in the Time of Science 19,000
Forest Swords/ Engravings 2013 BEST 100 20,000
Fred Hersch & Julian Lage/ Free Flying 2013 BEST 100 22,500
Fred Hersch/ Alone at the Vanguard 23,500
Fred Hersch/ Live at Maybeck 31 19,000
Fred Hersch & Norma Winstone/ Songs & Lullabies 24,000
Gary Burton (The New Gary Burton Quintet) /Guided Tour (새앨범) 17,500
Gretchen Parlato / Lost & Found 20,500
Heatmiser / Mic City Sons 엘리엇 스미스가 솔로 활동하기 전에 있었던 밴드 20,500
Jill Barber/ For All Time 22,000
Jill Barber/ Mischievous Moon 21,500
John Grant/ Pale Green Ghosts 2013 BEST 100 20,500 일시품절
Jonathan Wilson/ Fanfare 2013 BEST 100 21,500

Kenny Garrett/ Pushing The World Away (새앨범) 17,500 다운비트 평점 4 stars
Lucius/ Wildewoman 2013 BEST 100 19,500 일시품절
Mutual Benefit/ Love's Crushing Diamond 20,000
OST/ Insdie Llewyn Davis 17,000 
OST/ The Perks Of Being A Wallflower 16,000
Phoenix/ Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix 19,000
Pure Bathing Culture/ Moon Tides 2013 BEST 100 20,000 일시품절

Snowgoons/ German Lugers 15,500
Thee Oh Sees/ Floating Coffin 22,500
Warren Wolf/ Wolfgang (새앨범) 17,500 다운비트 평점 4 stars

Part V. 가격 인하 LP/CD

*인하된 가격은 금주부터 적용됩니다.
가격 인하 요인이 생긴 레이블들의 앨범들을 가격인하합니다. 가격 인하 폭은 그리 크지 않지만 가격이 높은 엘피들은 10%만 떨어져도 이를테면 3만원대 후반의 LP가 3만원대 초반으로 떨어지거나, 3만원대 LP가 2만원대 후반의 가격으로 변모하는 경우들이 있기 때문에 엘피를 자주 구매하시는 분들의 부담을 조금 덜 수 있을 것 같습니다. 가격 인하 대상 레이블은 미국 최고의 리이슈 레이블로 저희가 국내 유통을 하고 있기도 한 Light In The Attic, 영국의 음악 애호가/컬렉터들이 설립해 레게, 브라질/쿠바 음악 등 중남미 음악, 펑크(Punk), 뉴올리언스 훵크(Funk), 독일 전자음악 등 다양한 장르의 음악들을 리이슈하고 있는 Soul Jazz, 그리고 역시 다채로운 리이슈/신작을 내놓고 있는 Strut, 데이빗 번이 설립한 중남미,아프리카 음악 위주의 레이블 Luaka Bop의 앨범들, 그리고 BBE 일부 타이틀들입니다. 괄호 안에 있는 가격이 기존 판매 가격, 그 왼쪽의 가격이 인하된 가격입니다.  

신중현/ Beautiful Rivers And Mountains: The Psychedelic Rock Sound Of South Korea 1958-1974 (한글제목: 아름다운 강산: 대한민국 신중현의 싸이키델릭 록 사운드) 
CD 20,000 (22,000), LP 35,000 (38,000) 2013 Best Seller
Aphex Twin/ 26 Mixes For Cash (2CD) 27,000 (29,500) 2013 Best Seller
Aphex Twin/ Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (CD digisleeve. UK Repackage)CD 19,500 (21,000), 2LP 35,000 (39,000) 2013 Best Seller 

Aphex Twin/Classics (CD digisleeve) 19,500 (21,000)
Betty Davis/ Betty Davis CD 19,500 (21,500) LP 30,000 (34,000)

Betty Davis/ They Say I'm Different CD 19,500 (21,500) LP 30,000 (34,000)
Black Keys/ The Big Come Up CD 18,500 (22,000) LP 28,000 (30,000) 2013 Best Seller
Bobby Whitlock/ Where There's Will, There's a Way CD 20,000 (22,000)
Bobby Whitlock/ Bobby Whitlock LP 32,000 (34,000) 
Bobby Whitlock/ Raw Velvet LP 32,000 (34,000)
Diarrhea Planet/ I'm Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams CD 18,000 (19,000), LP 22,000 (24,000) 
Digable Planets/ Blowout Combs 2LP (First Pressing with embossed jacket + 18x 24 poster) 35,000 (39,000) 2013 Best Seller

Donnie & Joe Emerson/ Dreamin’Wild 30,000 (34,000)
Elis Regina/ In London (UK import) 23,000 (25,000)
Elis Regina/ Samba, Eu Canto Assim! 34,000 (39,000)

Free Design/ Sing For Very Important People 18,000 (20,000)
Giles Peterson/ Worldwide: Celebration of His Syndicated Radio Show LP 30,000 (35,000)
Glen Hansard/ Rhythm & Repose LP+CD 28,000 (34,000)
The Swell Season (Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova)/ Strict Joy 2LP Gatefold +MP3 28,000 (35,000)
The Heavy/ The House That Dirt Built CD 19,000 (20,000) LP+MP3 29,000 (32,000)
The Heavy/The Glorious Dead CD 19,000 (20,000) 2LP+MP3 31,000 (35,000) 2013 Best Seller
Honey Ltd/ The Complete LHI Recordings CD 19,500 (21,500) LP 30,000 (34,000) 2013 Best Reissue
Jane Birkin/ Di Doo Dah CD 19,000 (20,000) 
Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg/ Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg LP 32,000 (35,000) 2013 Best Seller 일시품절
Jim Sullivan/ UFO 2LP 30,000 (34,000)
Karen Dalton/ In My Own Time CD 19,500 (21,500) LP 30,000 (34,000) 2013 Best Seller
Karen Dalton/It’s So Hard To Tell You Who’s Going To Love You The Best LP 30,000 (34,000)
Laura Veirs/ Warp & Weft CD 19,000 (20,000), LP+MP3 29,000 (32,000) 2013 Best 100

Marcos Valle/ Garra CD 19,500 (21,500), LP 31,000 (35,000)
Marcos Valle/ Marcos Valle CD 19,500 (21,500) LP 31,000 (35,000)

Marcos Valle/ Previsao Do Tempo CD 19,500 (21,500) LP 31,000 (35,000)
Marcos Valle/ Vento Sul CD 19,500 (21,500) LP 31,000 (35,000)
My Bloody Valentine/ mbv CD 27,000 (이미 할인 판매 중인 가격입니다.) 2013 Best 100
Os Mutantes/ Everything is Possible World Psychedelic Classics 1 CD 19,000 (20,000) LP 30,000 (34,000)
Os Mutantes/ Live at the Barbican Theatre, London 2006 (2CD digipack set) CD 24,000 (26,500) 
OST/ Searching For Sugarman 서칭 포 슈가맨 2LP 34,000 (39,000) 2013 Best Seller
Rodriguez/ Cold Fact CD 18,000 (19,000) LP 31,000 (34,000) 2013 Best Seller LP는 일시품절 (3월 재입고)
Rodriguez/ Coming From Reality CD 18,000 (19,000) LP 32,000 (35,000) LP는 일시품절 (3월 재입고)
Pete Rock/ Petestrumentals CD 19,000 (20,000) LP 32,000 (35,000)
Public Image Ltd/ First Issue CD 22,000 (25,500) LP 33,000 (36,000)

Ray Stinnett/ A fire Somewhere 2LP + download 33,000 (38,500)
Seefeel/ Quique 2LP Gatefold/Color Vinyl 33,000 (37,000) 2013 Best Seller
Ski Lodge/ Big Heart CD 18,000 (19,000) LP+MP3 (White Vinyl) 22,000 (24,000) 
2013 BEST 100  비디오 보기
Sound Dimension/ Mojo Rocksteady Beat CD 20,000 (22,000) LP 30,000 (35,000)
Susana Baca/ Susana Baca CD 18,000 (20,000)
Susana Baca/ Travesias CD 18,000 (20,000)
Tamba Trio/ Tempo 34,000 (39,000)
Tim Maia/ Nobody Can Live Forever: The Existential Soul of Tim Maia CD 19,000 (20,000) LP 32,000 (35,000) 2013 Best Seller
Tom Ze/ Estudando a Bossa (Nordeste Plaza) CD 18,000 (20,000)
Tom Ze/ Estudando o Pagode CD 18,000 (20,000)
Tom Ze/ The Best of Tom Ze - Brazil Classics 4 CD 18,000 (20,000) LP+MP3 28,000 (32,000)
Tortoise/ Tortoise Origianl Artwork Reissue LP+CD 30,000 (33,000) 

Trans Am/Future World CD 18,000 (20,000)
Trans Am/Redline CD 18,000 (20,000)
Vagrants/ I Can’t Make A Friend 1965-1968 29,000 (32,000)
Wendy Rene/ After Laughter Comes Tears: Complete Stax & Volt Singles + Rarities 1964-1965 CD 20,000 (22,000) LP 33,000 (36,000)

*이하는 컴필레이션들입니다. 

1) 브라질/남미 음악 시리즈 (Luaka Bop/ Soul Jazz Label)
Beleza Tropical - Brazil Classics 1 CD 18,000 (20,000) 2013 Best Seller
O Samba - Brazil Classics 2  CD 18,000 (20,000) 
World Psychedelic Classics: Love's A Real Thing 18,000 (20,000)
Dancing With the Enemy: Cuba Classics 2 CD 18,000 (20,000)
Bossa Nova and the Rise Of Brazilian Music In The 1960s Vol.1 2LP 34,000 (39,000) 
Bossa Nova and the Rise Of Brazilian Music In The 1960s Vol.2 2LP 34,000 (39,000)

Bossa Jazz – The Birth Of Hard Bossa, Samba Jazz, and the Evolution Of Brazilian Fusion 1962-73 Vol.1 (2LP) 34,000 (39,000)
Bossa Jazz – The Birth Of Hard Bossa, Samba Jazz, and the Evolution Of Brazilian Fusion 1962-73 Vol.2 (2LP) 34,000 (39,000)

*디스코, 소울, 뉴웨이브, 훵크, 댄스뮤직 시리즈 (BBE/Strut/LITA)

Disco Love 3: Even More Rare Disco & Soul Uncovered 2CD 19,500 (21,000) 2LP 32,000 (36,000) 2013 Best Seller
Mutazione (2CD) 19,000 (20,000) LP 33,000 (36,000) 2013 Best Reissue 피치포크 Best New Reissue
Wheedle's Groove: Seattle's Finest In Funk & Soul 1965-75 CD 19,500 (21,500)
Listen, Whitney! 2LP 32,000 (36,000)

*자미이카 음악, 레게, 덥 시리즈 (Soul Jazz Label/BBE)

Studio One Funk 2LP 34,000 (39,000)
Studio One Dub 2LP 34,000 (39,000)
Studio One Roots 2LP 34,000 (39,000)
Studio One Classics 2LP 34,000 (39,000)
Studio One Ska 2LP 34,000 (39,000)
Dance Hall: The Rise Of Jamaican Dancehall Culture 2LP 34,000 (39,000)

David Rodigan's Dubwize Shower (2CD) 18,000 (20,000)

*독일 전자음악, 클라우트 록 시리즈 (Soul Jazz Label)

Deutsche Elektronische Musik Vol.1 (2LP) 34,000 (39,000)
Deutsche Elektronische Musik Vol.2 (2LP) 34,000 (39,000)

Part VI. 입고작 장르별 분류 

2013 F/W~2014 New Release
Andrew Bird/ Wannt to See Pulaski at Night
Belle & Sebastian/ Third Eye Centre
Bill Callahan/ Dream River
Bill Callahan/ Have Fun With God 일시품절
Billie Holiday / Lady Sings the Blues (Vinyl Reissue)
Blood Orange / Cupid Deluxe 
Boards Of Canada/ Twoism 
Boards Of Canada/ In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country 
Boards Of Canada/ Trans Canada Highway 
Bob Dylan/ Another Self Portrait 1969-1971: Bootleg Series 10 
(3LP + 2CD Box Set) 일시품절
Broken Bells/ After The Disco 
Burial/ Rival Dealer 12"
Danilo Perez/ Panama 500
Death Cab for Cutie/ Transatlanticism (10th Anniversary Edition)
Diane Birch/ Speak A Little Loude
Dum Dum Girls / Too True 

Elvis Costello & the Roots / Wise up Ghost 일시품절
Grizzly Bear/ Shields: B-Sides
Jonathan Wilson/ Fanfare
Lambchop / Nixon (Vinyl Re-issue)
Lily & Madeleine/ Lily & Madeleine
Los Campesinos!/ No Blues
Midlake/ Antiphon 일시품절
Miles Davis / Kind of Blue (MONO Vinyl Reissue)
Miles Davis/ Sketches of Spain (MONO Vinyl Reissue)
Mogwai/ Rave Tapes

Mutual Benefit/ Love's Crushing Diamond
Neko Case / The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You
Nick Drake/ Five Leaves Left (LP Box) 일시품절
Nirvana/ In Utero 2013 Mix 
OST(music by Cliff Martinez)/ Solaris (솔라리스)
Pearl Jam/ Lightning Bolt 일시품절
Robert Glasper/ Black Radio 2 
Roy Harper/ Man & Myth
Quasi/ Mole City
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Give The People What They Want
Slayer/ Seasons In The Abyss (Vinyl Reissue)
Sleigh Bells/ Bitter Rivals 
Stan Getz/ Big Band Bossa Nova (Vinyl Reissue)
Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks / Wig Out at Jagbags
Stereolab/ Sound-Dust (Vinyl Reissue)
Toy/ Join the Dots 

Upset/ She's Gone
Velvet Underground / White Light/White Heat (45th Anniversary Special Edition) 일시품절
William Onyeabor/ World Psychedelic Classics 5: Who Is William Onyeabor
Yuck / Glow & Behold

Record Store Day Limited Edition
Genius/GZA / Liquid Swords (4LP+Chess Box Set) 일시품절
Elliott Smith/ Alternate Versions Of Either/Or - 7" 
Esperanza Spalding/ Radio Music Society 
Miles Davis / Kind of Blue (MONO Vinyl Reissue)
Miles Davis/ Sketches of Spain (MONO Vinyl Reissue)

Nirvana/ In Utero 2013 Mix
OST/ Empire Records (엠파이어 레코즈) Gold Color Vinyl 일시품절
OST/ Pretty In Pink (프리티 인 핑크) Pink Vinyl

Air/ Moon Safari
Amon Tobin/ Out From Out Where 
Billie Holiday / Remixed & Reimagined
Black Devil Disco Club/ Black Moon White Sun
Blood Orange / Cupid Deluxe
Boards Of Canada/ Twoism 
Boards Of Canada/ In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country 
Boards Of Canada/ Trans Canada Highway 
Burial/ Rival Dealer 12"
Chromatics/ Kill For Love
Daft Punk / Discovery 일시품절
Disclosure/ Settle
DJ Rashad/ Double Cup 일시품절

Emiliana Torrini/ Love in the Time of Science
Forest Swords/ Engravings
James Blake / Enough Thunder 12"

LCD Soundsystem/ LCD Soundsystem
Lindstrom & Christabelle/ Real Life Is No Cool
Lindstrom/ Smalhans
Lindstrom/ Six Cups Of Rebel 
Machinedrum/ Vapor City 
Mark Pritchard/ Ghosts 12" 
Mark Pritchard/ Lock Off 12" 
Mark Pritchard/ Make a Livin' 12"
Neneh Cherry & The Thing/ The Cherry Thing Remixed
Oneohtrix Point Never / Replica 일시품절
Postal Service/ Give Up
Washed Out/ Life of Leisure 
Washed Out/ Within & Without 일시품절

Bill Callahan/ Have Fun With God 일시품절
Bill Callahan/ Dream River 
Bob Dylan/ Another Self Portrait 일시품절
Cate Le Bon / Mug Museum LP는 일시품절
Cat Power/ Jukebox 
Cat Power/ Moon Pix 일시품절 
Cat Power/ Sun 
Colin Blunstone/ One Year
Damien Rice/ Live at Fingerprints: Warts & all
Elliott Smith/ New Moon
Elliott Smith/ Either/Or 
Elliott Smith/ From A Basement On The Hill
Elvis Costello & the Roots / Wise up Ghost 엘피는 일시품절 
Emiliana Torrini/ Tookah
First Aid Kit/ The Lion's Roar 
First Aid Kit/ The Big Black & The Blue 
Fred Neil/ Fred Neil
Fred Neil/ Other Side of This life 일시품절
Hiss Golden Messenger/ Haw

Iron & Wine / Sea & the Rhythm 
John Grant/ Queen of Denmark
John Grant/ Pale Green Ghosts
Jonathan Wilson/ Fanfare
Kurt Vile/ Wakin' on a Pretty Daze
Lambchop / Nixon
Laura Marling / I speak because I Can
Lily & Madeleine / Weight of the Globe
Lily & Madeleine/ Lily & Madeleine
Lucinda Williams/ Lucinda Williams (25th Anniversary)
The Lumineers/ The Lumineers
Meg Baird/ Seasons on Earth
Midlake/ Trials Of Van Occupanther 
Midlake/ Antiphon 일시품절

Neko Case / The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You
Nick Drake/ Five Leaves Left 일시품절
Nick Drake/ Bryter Layter 
Nick Drake/ Pink Moon 일시품절
Okkervil River/ Silver Gymnasium 일시품절
Ray Lamontagne/ Gossip In The Grain
Ray Lamontagne/ Till the Sun Turns Black 일시품절
Sanddy Denny/ Sandy 
Steve Gunn/ Time Off
Tift Merritt/ Traveling Alone
Tom Waits/ Blood Money 
Tom Waits/ Early Years Vol.1 
Tom Waits/ Early Years Vol.2 
Tom Waits/ Glitter & Doom Live
Van Morrions/ Astral Weeks 
Vashiti Bunyan / Just Another Diamond Bay 
Vashiti Bunyan/ Lookaftering
Hip Hop/Soul/Funk/Disco/Turntablist
Alicia Keys/ The Diary of Alicia Keys
Amy Winehouse/ Back To Black 
Big Krit/ Live from the Underground
Black Devil Disco Club/ Black Moon White Sun
Blood Orange / Cupid Deluxe
DJ Premier & Bumpy Knuckles / Kolexxxion 
DJ Shadow/ Endtroducing... 일시품절
El Rego/ El Rego (Legend of African Soul)
Esperanza Spalding/ Radio Music Society 
Funkadelic/ Free Your Mind....and Your Ass will Follow 

Ghostface Killah/ Fishscale 
Ghostface Killah/ 12 Reasons to Die
Genius/GZA / Liquid Swords 일시품절
Jackson 5/ Complete Album Collection 일시품절
Kanye West/ My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 일시품절
Kendrick Lamar/ Good Kid M.A.A.D City
Kon/ On My Way
Kon & Amir/ Off Track Vol. III
Large Professor/ Main Source 
Large Professor / Professor at Large 

Marvin Gaye / I Want You 
Marvin Gaye/ What's Going On
Mayer Hawthorne / How Do you Do
Method Man & Redman / Blackout 
Pax Nicholas And The Netty Family/ Na Teef Know De Road Of Teef (African Soul)
Pete Rock/Petestrumentals
Pete Rock & Smooth C.L. / Mecca & Soul Brother 일시품절
Q-tip/ Renaissance
Raphael Saadiq/ Stone Rollin' 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Give The People What They Want 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ I Learned The Hard Way 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Naturally 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/100 Days, 100 Nights 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Soul Time! 
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings/ Dap-Dippin' 
Snowgoons/ German Lugers 
Swamp Dogg/ Total Destruction To Your Mind
Tim Maia/ Nobody Can Live Forever: The Existential Soul of Tim Maia (Brazilian Soul)
A Tribe Called Quest / Low End Theory 일시품절 
Various Artists(John Morales)/ The M and M Mixes Vol 3 (Pt A) 
Various Artists(John Morales)/ The M and M Mixes Vol 3 (Pt B) 
Various Artists/ Real Sound Of Chicago
Various Artists/ Real Sound of Chicago and Beyond Underground Disco (2LP Gatefold)
William Onyeabor/ World Psychedelic Classics 5: Who Is William Onyeabor
Wu-tang Clan/ Enter Wu-Tang
Zion I/ The Takeover 

Aaron Diehl/ The Bespoke Man's Narrative
Albert King/ I'll Play the Blues For You 
Albert King & Stevie Ray Vaughan/ In Session
Bill Evans / Waltz for Debby 일시품절
Billie Holiday / Lady Sings the Blues 
Billie Holiday / Remixed & Reimagined 
Bryan Ferry Jazz Orchestra/ Jazz Age
Cecile McLorin Salvant/ Woman Child
Danilo Perez/ Panama 500 
Dave Holland/ Prism
Dave Holland and Pepe Habichuela/ Hands 
Dave Holland Octet/ Pathways 

David Lynch / Big Dream
Esperanza Spalding/ Radio Music Society 
Eva Cassidy/ Songbird 
Fred Hersch & Julian Lage/ Free Flying 
Fred Hersch/ Alone at the Vanguard 
Fred Hersch/ Live at Maybeck 31 
Fred Hersch & Norma Winstone/ Songs & Lullabies
Gary Burton (The New Gary Burton Quintet) /Guided Tour 
Gretchen Parlato / Lost & Found
Harry Connick Jr./ Other Hours: Connick On Piano Vol. 1 
Harry Connick Jr./ Occasion: Connick on Piano 2
Jill Barber/ For All Time 
Jill Barber/ Mischievous Moon
Kenny Garrett/ Pushing The World Away
Miles Davis / Kind of Blue (MONO)
Miles Davis / Round About Midnight (MONO)
Miles Davis/ Sketches of Spain (MONO)
Neneh Cherry & The Thing/ The Cherry Thing Remixed
Olafur Arnalds / Living Room Songs
Olafur Arnalds/ & They Have Escaped the Weight of Darkness 
Olafur Arnalds/ Eulogy for Evolution 일시품절
Sonny Rollins/ Way Out West
Stan Getz/ Big Band Bossa Nova
Warren Wolf/ Wolfgang
Wes Montgomery / Incredible Jazz Guitar

Pop (Pop/Rock, Pop/Electronic, Pop Songwriters)
Brian Eno/ Panic Of Looking 
Brian Eno/ Drums Between The Bells 
Chvrches/ The Bones of What You Believe 
David Byrne/ Lead Us Not Into Temptation:Music From The Film Yo 
David Byrne & Brian Eno/ Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
David Lynch / Big Dream 일시품절
Diane Birch/ Speak A Little Louder 
Emiliana Torrini/ Love in the Time of Science
Emiliana Torrini/ Tookah
Gruff Rhys/ Hotel Shampoo
John Grant/ Pale Green Ghosts
Kelly Hogan/ I Like to Keep Myself in Pain 
Madonna/ Ray Of Light 
Naked & Famous/ Passive Me Aggressive You
Postal Service/ Give Up
Pure Bathing Culture/ Pure Bathing Culture
Pure Bathing Culture/ Moon Tides 

Brazilian/French/Reggae/European/African Beat etc
Astor Piazzolla/Rough Dancer And The Cyclical Night (Tango Apasionado) 
Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba/ Jama Ko
Boban Markovic & Marko Markovic/ Golden Horns - The Best Of
Boban Markovic / Promise 
Boban Markovic & Marko Markovic/ Devla- Blown Away To Dancefloor Heaven 
Bob Marley & Wailers / Catch a Fire
Carla Bruni/ Quelqu'un M'a Di
El Rego/ El Rego (Legend of African Soul)

Fanfare Ciocarlia/ Radio Pascani 
Gilberto Gil/ Louvacao
Jackie Mittoo/ Jackie Mittoo Keyboard King
Jackie Mittoo and the Soul Brothers/ Last Train to Skaville
Lee "Scratch" Perry/ Rise Again 
Lee Perry & His Upsetters / Roaring Lion
Pax Nicholas And The Netty Family/ Na Teef Know De Road Of Teef
Peter Tosh/ Legalize It
Tim Maia/ Nobody Can Live Forever: The Existential Soul of Tim Maia (+Digital Download) 
William Onyeabor/ World Psychedelic Classics 5: Who Is William Onyeabor 

OST(music by Vangelis)/ Blade Runner (블레이드 러너) LP
OST(music by Michael Andrews)/ Donnie Darko (도니 다코, original score) LP
OST/ Empire Records (엠파이어 레코즈) LP 일시품절
OST/ Insdie Llewyn Davis (인사이드 르윈) CD 일시품절
OST (music by Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead)/ The Master LP+CD (마스터) 일시품절 
OST (music by Ry Cooder)/ Paris, Texas (파리 텍사스) LP
OST/ The Perks Of Being A Wallflower (월플라워) CD 일시품절
OST/ Pretty In Pink (프리티 인 핑크) LP
OST/ Reservoir Dogs (저수지의 개들) LP
OST(music by Cliff Martinez)/ Solaris (솔라리스) - Picture Disc LP
OST/ This Is Spinal Tap (이것이 스파이널 탭이다) LP

Classic Rock
13th Floor Elevators/ Easter Everywhere
Andrew W.K./ Close Calls With Brick Walls/Mother Of Mankind
Big Star/ #1 Record 
Big Star/ Radio City 
Black Keys/ El Camino 
Black Sabbath/ 13 
Crimson Glory/ Transcendence
David Bowie/ Space Oddity: 40th anniversary 일시품절 
David Bowie/ The Next Day 일시품절
Deep Purple / Machine Head 
Motley Crue/ Dr Feelgood 
Motley Crue/ Girls, Girls, Girls
Pantera/ Cowboys From Hell
Pantera/ Vulgar Display of Power
Ronettes/ Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes 일시품절
Roy Harper/ Man & Myth
Queen/ Innuendo
Slayer/ Seasons In The Abyss
T-Rex/ Slider 
Velvet Underground/ Velvet Underground & Nico 
Velvet Underground / Loaded 
Velvet Underground / White Light/White Heat 일시품절

Modern Rock
Andrew Bird/ Noble Beast 
Andrew Bird/ Want to See Pulaski at Night
Apples in stereo/ Travellers in Space and Time 
Apples in stereo/ Fun Trick Noisemaker 
Arcade Fire/ Funeral 
Arcade Fire/ Reflektor
Beady Eye / Be 
Belle & Sebastian/ Third Eye Centre 
Belle & Sebastian/ Write About Love 
Black Keys/ El Camino 
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Methodrone 
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Bravery, Repetition And Noise 
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Who Killed Sgt. Pepper?
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Their Satanic Majesties Second Request 
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Aufheben
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Take It From The Man!  
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Give It Back!
Camera Obscura / Desire Lines 
Camera Obscura / Let's Get Out of this Country 일시품절
CocoRosie/ Tales Of A GrassWidow 일시품절
Danger Mouse & Sparklehorse / Dark Night of the Soul
Daughter / If You Leave
Daughter / His Young Heart 
Daughter / Wild Youth 
Death Cab for Cutie/ Transatlanticism (10th Anniversary Edition)
Death Cab for Cutie/ Plans 
Death Cab for Cutie/ Codes And Keys 
The Decemberists/The Tain EP
Deerhunter / Microcastle 일시품절
Destroyer / Destroyer's Rubies  일시품절
Destroyer / Kaputt 일시품절
Destroyer / Trouble in Dreams 일시품절 
Dirty Beaches/ Water Park
Field Music/ Tones Of Town 
The Fiery Furnaces/ Widow City
Godspeed You Black Emperor / Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada
Godspeed You Black Emperor / Allelujah don't bend ascend 
Godspeed You Black Emperor / f#a# (infinity)
Grizzly Bear/ Shields: B-Sides 
Heatmiser / Mic City Sons
James Iha/ Speed of Love
Los Campesinos!/ No Blues
Lucius/ Wildewoman 엘피는 일시품절
Mazzy Star/ Seasons of your Day
Mogwai/ Rave Tapes
Moonface/ Julia with Blue Jeans On
The National/ Virginia 
Naked & Famous/ Passive Me Aggressive You
Nirvana/ In Utero 2013 Mix
Of Montreal/ Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer

Pavement/ Slanted & Enchanted 
Pearl Jam/ Lightning Bolt 일시품절
Phoenix/ Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Phoenix/ Bankrupt
PJ Harvey/ To Bring You Love
Portugal,the Man/ In the Mountain in the Cloud 
Postal Service/ Give Up
Quasi/ Mole City
Raconteurs/ Consolers of the Lonely
Radiohead/ Amnesiac 
Radiohead/ King Of Limbs 
Radiohead/ Kid A 
Ra Ra Riot/ Beta Love
The Replacements/ Songs For Slim
Sleigh Bells/ Bitter Rivals 
Sleigh Bells/ Reign of Terror
Sleigh Bells/ Treats 
Smashing Pumpkins/ Gish
Smashing Pumpkins/ Siamese Dreams
The Smiths/ The Queen Is Dead
Sonic youth/ Daydream Nation
Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks / Wig Out at Jagbags
Stereolab/ Sound-Dust 
Stone Temple Pilots/ Purple 
Super Chunk/ I Hate Music 
Tame Impala/ Lonerism 
Thee Oh Sees/ Floating Coffin
Thee Oh Sees/ Carrion Crawler / Dream
Thee Oh Sees/ Help
Tom Waits/ Glitter & Doom Live
Tom Waits/ Blood Money 
Toy/ Join the Dots 
Two Door Cinema Club / Tourist History 일시품절
U2 / Joshua Tree 
Unknown Mortal Orchestra / II
Upset/ She's Gone
Wilco/ Sky Blue Sky 
Wilco/ Summerteeth 
Yuck / Glow & Behold 

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